Collins CBC Results

CEI Bird Club’s first meeting in 2025 started with discussion of the Christmas Bird Count results. Members shared their successes (+failures!) counting on the dreary, rainy December day. Results show a reduction in overall numbers seen.

Compiler Bob D also shared the rich history of the Collins CBC. This past survey marked the 51st year of the count at Collins, performed every year since 1974. The highest birder involvement was in 1977 with 34 people participating. The most species were detected in 1984 with 51 recorded that year. Bob has records of each year’s sightings over 143 different possible species!

Following the CBC count discussion, members shared their favorite birding websites, magazines, organizations, guidebooks and apps. Everyone agreed there is no lack of available information out there!

-The Cornell site was noted as the most useful when differentiating “look alike” birds.

– The Merlin app is invaluable to use as an aid in determining which birds may be in the vicinity by recording calls and songs.

-The Wisconsin Society of Ornithology’s site, which offers suggestions for birding areas to explore was also recommended by members.

The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, with their “Birds in Art” exhibition, was suggested as an exceptional venue to visit. Can you say Roadtrip?

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