Upcoming March Events

March will be a busy month with all events held at the Neustadter Nature Center, 20021 Cty JJ, Collins, WI

March 10, 10:00am  CEI Bird Club . Everyone welcome!

March 17 6:30 pm  Seven Rivers Soil Cooperative

Meet local farmers Michael Slattery and Ryan Sullivan. They will talk about the collaborative efforts of more than 25 Manitowoc River Watershed producers who are using strategies to make successful farms, productive soil, and clean water as members of the Seven Rivers Soil Cooperative. We are co-sponsoring this event with the Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed.

March 30  1:00 pm    Rob Zimmer presents “Spring at Collins Marsh”
Naturalist Rob Zimmer will both teach and entertain his audience with the sights and sounds of Spring at Collins Marsh. Be prepared to meet resident and migrating birds, frogs and more!  This program is made possible in part by a FORWARD endowment grant.

On the Marsh by N Gill

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